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Archive for August 21st, 2024

A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 32

August 21, 2024

Monday, August 5: Reunited with Mr. Karen near the Detroit airport so I could turn in my rental car before our road trip home together. Visited with his sister Faye and her husband in the afternoon before hitting the road for serious. Stopped for dinner at an Indian restaurant in Indiana; a sign outside exhorted us to “BE AMMUSED!”, and I was, as they appeared to have moved into a defunct Long John Silver’s and just overlaid the Indian décor on top of the nautical theme that was already there.

Restaurant with booths whose backs are styled to look like the back of speedboats with names like The One That Got Away and The Beachcomber. The windows are swagged with draperies in blue and yellow.

Tuesday, August 6: Drove to Chicago and made it in plenty of time to get pizza at Pequod’s and pie at Hoosier Mama before we checked into our hotel and hiked over to Wrigley Field to see the Cubs take on the Twins. Was very happy that we got to sing the song! (When the Cubs win at home in recent times, they play Go Cubs Go over the PA system and it’s a big sing along with W flags being unfurled all over the stands.)

Facade of Wrigley Field with the red marquee sign. SHO TIME 7:05 PM is displayed on the changeable part of the sign. Other buildings to the right of the sign showing the field's placement in a dense urban environment.

Wednesday, August 7: Checked out of our hotel, walked back to Wrigley Field for the Cubs day game (Coach Beard did the 7th inning stretch and they won again!), drove to get yet more pizza this time a Gino’s East, then drove back to Michigan which yes does not make sense if one is trying to get to Idaho, but we had stuff to do there.

Cars on Lakeshore Drive in Chicago. The building formerly known as the John Hancock is in the distance.

Thursday, August 8: We wanted to see Lake Michigan on our way to the concert we’d come back to Michigan to see, but the first beach we tried was closed due to bacteria, so we went farther up the shoreline and found one that was open. After a bit of relaxing on the sand, we made our way to the concert, which was far from relaxing, with long disorganized lines to get in, overcrowded conditions, and confusing rules about who could sit where though it was supposedly general admission.

Lake Michigan beach viewed from the top of a dune framed by trees.

Friday, August 9: Time to start driving home in earnest. Decided to do the Iowa/Nebraska route, which meant it wasn’t really out of our way to go to a Chicago-style pizzeria in downstate Illinois for lunch. Almost all the photos I took on this day were at highway rest areas or out of the passenger window while on the road.

Wind turbine in a farmer's field alongside the highway.


Saturday, August 10: Woke up in Walnut, Iowa, then made our way through Nebraska, where I asked for a short detour to get a better view of the view, on to Wyoming.

Trees in the foreground, a stream with a small island in the middle ground, and tall rocky bluffs in the distance.


Sunday, August 11: Made our way from Wyoming into Montana. Not quite home but within striking distance.

Curving freeway with low rock bluffs along the side and a sunset in the sky.



On this date in 2007 to 2023: No journal entries
2006: A Feast for the Senses
2003 to 2005: No entries
2002: Dainty I Ain’t

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