Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for September 21st, 2024

A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 37

September 21, 2024

Monday, September 9: My mom had housedresses when I was growing up, and for the past several (five? ten? I’m not sure) years, I’ve had them, too. Something to wear in the mornings when I’m not ready to shower and dress yet. The first one I recall designating as a housedress in my head was one I ordered from a clearance sale online; when it arrived, it turned out that it wasn’t something I wanted to wear in public (neither the print nor the fit were what I expected), but it was so cheap it wasn’t worth the hassle to return (not sure if it even was returnable). But it was comfortable, so I kept it around and wore it around the house. That one was made of woven fabric, more like my mom’s housedresses; the one I’ve been wearing lately is a t-shirt knit, this bright pink with white design that I bought from a sale/clearance rack at a Meijer store on one of my trips back to the Great Lakes states. It’s slightly problematic in that it’s sometimes hard to tell front from back in the low light of the bedroom in the morning when I’m slipping out so as not to wake Mr. Karen, but that’s okay.

POV looking down from where I'm sitting in a chair in my dining room. My thigh is covered with my dress. My foot on the floor (this part is out of focus) is slipped into a black jeweled flip flop sandal.

Tuesday, September 10: Another low photo day. I did go to town to see friends and wore sandals because soon the weather won’t allow that.

Wednesday, September 11: Anniversary of my dad’s death, which a year later became what’s now called Patriot Day. The Happy Color app had a few special pictures for the occasion.

Screenshot from Happy Color app of a completed picture showing the Twin Towers in a cloudy sky, with a U.S. flag bannered across the bottom.

Thursday, September 12: Learned that a new-ish restaurant in town was claiming to make Detroit style pizza (along with Neopolitan), so Mr. K and I went to see if they knew their stuff. It was a decent rendition; they got the rectangular part (though I’ve never seen one in Detroit this narrow) right, and the cheese around the outside, and the soft on the inside crust. I don’t know that is was a better value than the version that Pizza Hut did for a while, though.

Long narrow pizza on a board sitting on a table with two empty white plates to the right.

Friday, September 13: Upon leaving the house, I relocated a caterpillar from the concrete step by my front door to what I felt was a more suitable location where it wouldn’t be a such high risk of being stepped on, then wondered if I’d interrupted an intentional journey that they’d now have to start all over.

Fuzzy black and warm brown caterpillar on a light brown leaf on a background of dirt and mulch.

Saturday, September 14: Just a beautiful late summer/early fall day to go for a walk to the village.

Looking down into a valley from a mountain. The sky is blue with white puffy clouds. The hills are covered in dark green pine trees. There's a lake in the valley.

Sunday, September 15: Some wildflowers are still hanging on despite the growing chill in the air.

Closeup of a spiky red violet wildflower bloom.



On this date in 2018 to 2023: No journal entries
2017: Mail, Mail, and More Mail
2004 to 2016: No entries
2003: Irked
2002: No entry

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