Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for October 7th, 2024

A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 39

October 7, 2024

Monday, September 23: Went to dinner at a new friend’s house and stopped for a few minutes along the way there to take in the river from a view I’d not seen before.

View from water level along the bank of a river. Shoreline curves in at the right side with small pine trees along it. Pine tree covered low mountains in the distance past the opposite bank.

Tuesday, September 24: Work going on to replace some rooflets on our condo building revealed glimpses of an earlier look the building had, with vertical wood siding painted pale tan. The old photo of the place that came with our unit shows dark wood there; I wonder how many exterior renovations it has had in its lifetime.

Looking up at the front of building with a band where trim has been removed.

Wednesday, September 25: Went down to town to hang out with a couple of friends. Got there just as the rain started, the leading edge of what turned out to be a major storm. When I headed home, I found the mountain road littered with debris. A crew had already been through to clear at least one lane, which was fine as I was the only car on the road at the time I was driving up. With several lines knocked down by falling trees, there was no power on the mountain except for the one lodge that has a generator.

Two lane blacktop road, wet with rain. A power line cuts across the road, low in the left lane but high enough in the right to get under. Orange cones and red flags mark the hazard.

Thursday, September 26: The power didn’t come back overnight, and there were so many outages that the utility wasn’t even making estimates about when it might be restored. The one lodge in the village still was running on their generator, so we walked down there and got some hot drinks (free, because they didn’t have any way to take payment with the wifi down) and charge our phones. In midafternoon, concerned we might lose the food in the freezer, we packed what we could into our little reserve freezer and took it down to the lodge, plugging it in in a quiet corner of a common area, hoping to chill it down enough to get through the rest of the power outage. As it turned out, the lights came back on a couple hours after we put that plan into action, 23 hours after they’d gone out.

Grey wall behind a black rectangular hassock, a small silver upright freezer, and a silver luggage cart.

Friday, September 27: Drove five hours south to spend the weekend with a few friends and a lot of their friends I hadn’t yet met. Enjoyed driving through the rolling hills of that part of the state until forty five minutes away from the big rental house we’d all be staying at, I ran over something in the road and got a flat tire. Getting changed went less smoothly than I’d hoped, but a couple guys heading home from their construction job stopped to help and I ended up being only an hour later than planned to the retreat house.

View from scenic overlook above Lewiston Idaho. Rolling golden hills down to the river and the city.

Saturday, September 28: Some of the folks at the retreat participated in a formal dinner, complete with training ahead of time for the servers about how to set the table. I opted out as it didn’t seem like it would flow with the relaxing weekend I hoped for. I did end up jumping in to help behind the scenes with kitchen cleanup.

Fancy plate setting laid out on a table. Includes seven utensils and four glasses.

Sunday, September 29: The property we were staying at sat on some acreage, so I went exploring.

Fence with wooden posts strung with barbed wire along the edge of a field.



On this date in 2023: No journal entry
2022: A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 37
2003 to 2021: No entries
2002: JournalCon, Part 1—The Prequel

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