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A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 44

November 7, 2024

A look back to last week, when I had way more hope than I do right now.

Monday, October 28: Went to have dinner with my new-ish friends who live next to the water. Stopped at the same spot as when I visited them the first time; now the lake has been drawn down for winter the water was further away.

View from water level along the bank of a river. Shoreline curves in at the right side with small pine trees along it. A few trees that have turned yellow for autumn are on opposite bank among the pines. Pine tree covered low mountains in the distance past the opposite bank.


Tuesday, October 29: Woke up to a light dusting of snow. Still some hanging around in the afternoon when Mr. Karen and I went for a walk.

Dirt path bordered in weeds leading toward a ski mountain. There's a small amount of snow on the path and the top of the mountain. Some trees along the path have turned yellow for fall.

Wednesday, October 30: Spent some time in the studio going through more of the boxes of stuff I’d taken from my mom’s house when my brother and I cleaned it out after she died. There was a not quite finished corduroy crazy quilt top (what’s the non-ableist term for that? I don’t know) that I remember thinking at the time I packed it that I could finish it one day. I believe that’s the same thought that led my mom to hang onto it. Looking at it more closely, I saw there were some bleeding colors in spots along with pins rusted in place securing some of the patches, and thought about what it would take to complete it and decided I didn’t want to make that effort. This wasn’t a family heirloom unfinished project. If I get back to quilting, I have plenty of other things I could work on. So I let go of this.

Detail of a crazy quilt made from a variety of corduroy fabrics. Some are prints and some are solids. Bright pink and teal green dominate the color scheme, such as it is.

Thursday, October 31: Overlapping seasons in my driveway as the aspen leaves are still falling along with more snow.

POV looking down at my feet in hiking boots. Standing on yellow leaves piled on pavement and dusted with snow.

Friday, November 1: Oh look, more snow.

POV looking out a glass sliding door at a snow covered balcony. The landscape beyond the opposite side of the street is whited out by fog. An aspen tree with most of its yellow leaves is on the left side of the frame.

Saturday, November 2: Still snowing on the mountain and raining in town. Ran a few errands down there, and tried the newly opened Lebanese restaurant, and decided to do our walk by covering almost every aisle in a big box store, supplemented by a few aisles in another slightly less big box store. This colorful display of buckets is from the second one.

Store aisle with five shelves of colorful plastic buckets in several sizes. Colors include red, bright pink, yellow, lime green, forest green, several shades of blue, blue green, red, black, and purple.

Sunday, November 3: Mr. Karen and I took a walk down to the lower parking lot, still gated off this time of year but soon enough will be filled with vehicles of skiers and snowboarders.

Snow covered parking lot with ski mountain in the distance, blocked by a green metal gate chained and locked shut.



On this date in 2023: No journal entry
2022: A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 44
2013 to 2021: No entries
2012: 50 Years, 50 States
2011: Out and About
2007 through 2010: No entries
2006: Strips That Sizzle
2005: Two Faces of Fall
2002 through 2004: No entries

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