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A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 45

November 15, 2024

Monday, November 4: Winter weather continues here on the mountain.

Looking out a sliding glass window to a balcony covered in snow. Beyond the railing, there's a ski mountain somewhat veiled by mist/fog.


Tuesday, November 5: Started the day with hope, went to vote, took long stroll with Mr. Karen in town amidst the fall colors, had a nice dinner with a blue margarita, then returned home and saw my hope evaporate as the evening wore on and election returns came in. I will be okay under the incoming administration, probably, but a lot of people won’t, and how so many of my fellow citizens either don’t care about that or delight in the suffering of others I cannot understand.

Selfie of me, a white sixty-something woman with light pink metal frame glasses sitting in a car. I'm wearing a green t-shirt with a cartoon founding father running, with an I Voted sticker stuck next to his face, layered under a periwinkle zip hoodie and black coat.

Wednesday, November 6: I’ve been trying to cut down on my soda consumption by limiting it to weekends only, but I sure needed at least little treat on this dark day, and a mini can of the limited edition Oreo Coke Zero hit the spot.

My hand holding a mini can of soda. The printed design is black and white with small accents of blue for Oreo and red for Coke. It says it's fizzy cookie flavored.

Thursday, November 7: The scenery is still beautiful at least.

Snowy mountain scene with brush in the foreground, pine covered hill in middle ground, and snow capped peaks in the distance.

Friday, November 8: Went down to the city to commiserate with and listen to and provide what comfort I could to friends, starting with lunch in a train car diner with one friend, then later tea with another few, followed by drinks with yet another group before I headed home.

Diner car with curved ceiling and lots of wood trim.

Saturday, November 9: On today’s walk, Mr. Karen and I went to the lower parking lot (which also meant we had to walk back up from there, which yes is good exercise but still feels like a lot when it’s all uphill to home). The features for the terrain park were staged there, waiting for it to be their time.

Ski/snowboard park terrain features grouped together at the side of a snowy parking lot. Most are painted dark green, but in the foreground there's a vaguely egg-shaped metal construction painted in zig zag stripes of purple and yellow sitting atop a green barrel.

Sunday, November 10: For the second time in recent weeks, I came out of the studio to find this cat sitting by my car. I think if it happens a third time, it becomes my cat. I would have to catch her first, though, and get over my allergies.

Parking lot at night. Back corner of my tangerine car reflects the streelight. A cat with sort of Siamese markings and white paws stands by the tire, studiously not looking at me as I snap the photo.



On this date in 2015 through 2023: No journal entries
2014: I’m Fine, Perfectly Fine
2013: How is it Mid-November Already?
2007 through 2012: No entries
2006: Quilt Expo
2005: No entry
2004: Fleeting Fortnight
2002 & 2003: No entries

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  1. Denise Says:

    Cat distribution system at work? Also, the train car diner is my new obsession

  2. KarenD Says:

    Denise, I was wondering that about the cat, but haven’t seen her since (though I did see a deer when I was leaving the studio last night … sure not going to adopt that 😀

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