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A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 50

December 27, 2024

Monday, December 9: Started the day with breakfast at Boma at Animal Kingdom Lodge, then went over to Animal Kingdom park to see more stuff there. That stuff included the always mesmerizing DiVine (look closely in the photo below) wild egret hunting for lizards and sometimes catching them while a CM explained the circle of life. Managed to get one of the EV charging spots for the rental car, so that was good. Could have hopped to another park after Animal Kingdom closed, but I wasn’t feeling that great so opted for getting back to the condo earlier so I could get more rest.

Collage of two photos of the DiVine character. On the left full body shot with her blending into the foliage. On the right, a closer shot showing her face, still blending into the foliage.


Tuesday, December 10: Getting some rest did not cure my feeling sick, so I stayed at the condo while Mr. Karen went out. In a fit of optimism, I battled with the My Disney Experience app early in the morning to buy Lightning Lane passes for Friday. Mr. Karen was able to get our Lightning Lane for this day refunded, as he was able to use single rider line to see the attraction we’d bought it for, so that was nice. I tested for COVID and got a negative result, so that was also good. I wondered if the lady who was coughing unmasked in the Skyliner we shared with her and her companion the other day was the donor of the cold germs I was battled. I slept a lot. In between naps, I sat out on the screened in balcony and gazed at the lake and trees.

View of a small lake surrounded by trees and bushes, view through a screened in balcony with a metal railing bisecting the space.

Wednesday, December 11: Still not feeling great, so stayed in and rested up while Mr. K went to a park. Decided I had enough energy to go to the hard ticket party at Hollywood Studios, so Mr. K came to pick me up and I donned my mask and off we went, making a detour to Animal Kingdom Lodge to pick up the Magicband I’d lost on the first day, which I’d reported but didn’t really think I’d get back. I barely had enough vim for the party, but we did get to do a bunch of rides with short lines, so that was worth it, and saw some of the special party stuff too.

Large decorated and lit Christmas tree reflected in a lagoon in which large lit ornaments are floating.

Thursday, December 12: Worn out after the party and still feeling under the weather, so I once again stayed in the condo while Mr. Karen went out and about. More naps, more sitting on the balcony looking at the lake.

Small lake with trees at the edge and reeds/grass several feet into the water.

Friday, December 13: Feeling somewhat better (and still testing negative for COVID), so went to Epcot, getting through the gates just in time to get a virtual queue spot in the 1 p.m. drop. Due to the timing of the call back on that, we missed out on the evening show, but that’s okay. We did to a bunch of other stuff thanks to the Lightning Lanes I’d set up on Tuesday and knowing what attractions were likely to have shorter lines.

Crowd exiting Epcot at park close, walking next to Spaceship Earth, which is lit up in red and white candy stripes. A firework burst from Magic Kingdom can be seen in the distance.

Saturday, December 14: Animal Kingdom was the only park we could get a reservation at, so we started our day there before heading to the very crowded Disney Springs to do a bit of shopping. Despite the crowds, we were able to get seated as a walk up at a restaurant we hadn’t been to before; it was Art Deco themed. We ended our day at Epcot, where we did manage to get a good spot for Luminous, the nighttime show.

Silver panel on a wall done in Art Deco style depicting a woman dancing.

Sunday, December 15: Last park day, which we spent in Magic Kingdom until they kicked us out before the Christmas party. Popped into the Contemporary and Grand Floridian to take in the holiday décor then, finishing the night at the Polynesian for dinner and Dole Whip before returning to the condo to pack.

Light blue Mickey Mouse ear balloon floating above the railing of the ferry boat. View behind it is of the Polynesian resort.



On this date in 2023: A Tale of Two Tides
2022: Boxing Day
2021: Sad Day on My Mountain
2020: The Yarn That Knits to Fit
2019: Puzzling
2018: Updating My Look
2017: Coincidence
2016: Pioneer Woman
2015: Lights of Winter
2014: Somebody’s Got to Run the Errands
2013: WDW Day 10: Magic Kingdom, Departure, and Reflections
2012: Whole Lotta Readin’ Goin’ On
2011: Sock Monkey Celebrates Christmas & King of the Snow Pile
2010: Sock Monkey Drowns His Sorrows
2009: Slacking
2008: Still Sweet
2007: Super & Out with the Old
2006: Quilt Labels
2005: We Have a Winner
2004: Mantel Arrangements and Other Stuff
2003: No entry
2002: Is it time to go home yet?

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