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Desk: One Year Later

December 28, 2024

Last year on this day, I wrote an entry about cleaning off the card table that serves as my desk, noting that I found more things that didn’t belong on it than did. I’m happy to report that this year, that’s not the case. The table is full, but not overly so, and most of the things on it belong here, as I use them regularly while doing desk things.

I wish I could say this is a result of me establishing a regular routine where I deal with things that should be elsewhere by putting them away weekly, but no, I did not. Today’s relatively uncluttered desk is the byproduct of one of our nephews and his bandmates staying at our place for part of the time Mr. Karen and I were in Florida, which meant that before we left, I had to disassemble my office and turn it back into a guest room, so I was forced to address the clutter on the desk. When we came back, I setup my office again and only put back things that had a rightful place there.

Looking at last year’s list of things that belong on the desk, most of those are still there, including the 3 x 5 pad of sticky notes for my to do list, a system that continues to work for me (most of the time, which is all I can ask).


On this date in 2023: Clearing the Desk
2022: Not Quite a Year in Books
2021: Girls and Boys
2020: The Topside of Clouds
2019: The Good Kind of Clingy
2018: November Road Trip
2017: Still Flickring
2016: Gettin’ Out of Dodge
2015: Today’s Molehill
2014: Drinking Chocolate
2013: Best Laid Plans
2012: My Mother, The Flapper
2011: Sock Monkey Makes a Friend
2010: Sock Monkey Tries the Dyson Airblade
2009: Monday, Monday
2008: New Toy
2007: Possibilities
2006: A Body in Motion
2005: Winter Count—November
2004: The Quilt That Isn’t
2003: No entry
2002: No entry

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