The only measurable goals I set for myself for 2024 were the two I put into StoryGraph: read 62 books, read 20 thousand pages. As of right now, I overachieved the first, finishing 69 books, and underachieved the second, with a touch over 18 thousand pages. I was hoping to finish one more book today, so I can finish the non-fiction challenge I joined, but that is not going be two thousand more pages, and I think I’m going to not rush through it and instead double dip and add a non-fiction book I read earlier for a genre challenge to the non-fiction one because that’s allowed. I read a bit over 19 thousand pages in 2023, so I felt the 20K goal was reasonable, but nope. When I reviewed my reading last year, I said I wanted to read more non-fiction (thus joining the challenge) and thought 15% of titles being non-fiction was a reasonable goal (about double where I was for 2023). I’m at 20% as I write this, so yay me!
For 2025, I’m aiming to read 63 books (my age) and will stick with that 20 thousand page goal because I should be able to do that. I’ll be doing challenges for non-fiction and my TBR pile (I did a quick TBR challenge this fall and that was effective in clearing some things off my Kindle). I’m considering joining (or starting) a challenge to read some things on paper, as I think that’s good for my brain.
As for other goals for 2025, I’m not sure yet. As has often been the case, I’d like to get in better shape both physically and mentally, shed pounds and clutter, but not sure what will help there that I haven’t already tried and failed at. I’m thinking I’d like to do more paper journaling, as I’ve heard that’s good for one’s brain, too. And I might officially pull the plug on my nail blog, as I haven’t written in it at all in 2024 and have felt only the smallest pangs of regret about that. So maybe I’ll make some measurable goals around these things at some point.
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