December 26, 2024
When the friend that’s gone with Mr. Karen on several music-themed cruises in past years couldn’t make next year’s, I decided I’d go, because it’s generally good to try new things and if those things are something your spouse enjoys, so much the better. It’s not necessary to be joined at the hip to have a good marriage but sharing activities does help keep a connection going.
The cruise is like a convention with multiple tracks; it’s not possible to see all the bands and all the shows. Priorities must established (well, I guess that’s not strictly true—you could just roll up to the cruise and decide on the spur of the moment which shows to attend, but that doesn’t sound like us). To that end, Mr. K made a list of all the bands that would be appearing so we could listen to some tracks and rate them so when the show times/dates were announced, we’d have a head start on penciling in our own schedule. He printed out a copy for each of us (hi, yes we are of an age where we have a printer at home, fortunately one that’s old enough that it’s not reporting to its corporate overlords on the sly) and we got to listening when we had pockets of time to do that. I tended to do my listening/watching videos while sitting at my laptop and poking at Happy Color; Mr. Karen tended to do his while wearing wireless headphones and taking care of tasks around the house.
When we were both done with rating each band on a 1 (not interested in seeing) to 4 (see if at all possible) scale (non-whole numbers permitted), Mr. K did a comparison of our ratings and this was the result:
I was surprised at how close our ratings were. Nothing more that a point different? I’d expected there’d be a few bands we disagreed on more than that (which would be fine, since again, no need to be joined at the hip). But no, our tastes are pretty compatible.
On this date in 2023: A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 51
2022: A Week in Photos: 2022, Part 51
2021: Definitely Winter Now
2020: For My Viewing Confusion
2019: One Goal Achieved
2018: Debriefing
2017: Fall Road Trip, Part the Fourth and Last
2016: Frozen Fractals All Around
2015: The Force Awakens But I’m Tired
2014: The Continuing Adventures
2013: WDW Day 9: Animal Kingdom, Epcot, Magic Kingdom
2012: Most of the Monkeys
2011: No entry
2010: Christmas Sock Monkey
2009: Post Holiday Slump
2008: Shhhh
2007: There and Back Again
2006: Not Quite Matchy Matchy & Red Scarf Three
2005: Wait ‘Til Next Year
2004: Alaska Quilt
2003: I’m Dreaming of a Quilty New Year
2002: The Secret Revealed