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Archive for the ‘Holidailies 2009’ Category

Sunnier Times

January 4, 2010


Being me, I am of course nowhere near caught up with sorting through my headstone photos and getting the ones that I want to post up on Find a Grave and Flickr. This one is a detail shot I took this past November of a really fabulous Woodmen of the World (or Woodmen-style, I can never tell unless they actually have the Woodmen logo on them) marker in Illinois. Its accompanying small marker even had vine detailing on it. I love coming across works of art like these in my cemetery rambles. It’s true they don’t make them like this anymore, but some of the newer stones with laser etchings on them may prove just as fascinating to future gravers as the tree-style ones do to me.


On this date in 2009: Sentimental Sunday
2008: No entry
2007: No entry
2006: No entry
2005: Signs and Portents & Unidentified Yarn Object
2004: No entry
2003: No entry

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