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Archive for the ‘Holidailies 2010’ Category

Holidailies Redux

December 6, 2010

Post-Thanksgiving treatsI see I’ve gone twelve days without an entry here. I’d like to use the excuse that I was saving up my energy for Holidailies, which started today and which I’ve done every year I’ve had this journal so I had to do it again this year, but I was just being lazy. I have been writing, except I’ve been doing it over at Frazzle and Aniploish, which has turned out to be more fun (and interactive) than I expected when I started it back in April. I’ve been working, too, except for Thanksgiving weekend, when Mr. Karen and I went to Illinois to see his family and then my family. I went to the gym the Monday after the holiday weekend (going to the gym is another thing I’ve been doing instead of writing here, though I guess that doesn’t really count since I so rarely write an entry before work anyway), and one of the ladies had a whole tray of cookies to share in the locker room. I picked two, and then she said I had to have a pecan ball, which is how I ended up eating the three sweet treats pictured here as a second breakfast. That was a week ago, and in all that time I wasn’t inspired to write here. Heck, I just now got the cookie pictures off my phone. I’m hoping Holidailies rekindles my journaling flame.


On this date in 2009: No entry.
2008: Crafty Doldrums, in which I wondered where my creative spark had gone.
2007: No entry.
2006: Amazing But True, in which I ran in the snow for the first time.
2005: Sounds of the Season, in which I talk very briefly about Christmas music.
2004: No entry.
2003: Piling Off, in which I decluttered one corner of my desk.
2002: No entry.

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