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Archive for the ‘Holidailies 2010’ Category

Sock Monkey Waits for the New Year

December 31, 2010

Sock Monkey waits for the new year

I haven’t asked if he’s making any resolutions. I probably will but not tomorrow; I believe in grace periods.


On this date in 2009: Finished, in which I wrapped up some projects.

2008: The Year in Pictures, in which I looked back on my first photo-a-day effort.

2007: I Am the Champion, in which I won my fantasy football league, and The End, in which the sun set on another year.

2006: Sofa Star Quilt, in which I documented a quilt I made, and One of Those Entries, in which I reviewed my year.

2005: Winter Count–December, in which I looked back at the month just wrapping up.

2004: It’s an Honor Just to be Nominated, in which I was in a contest.

2003: No entry.

2002: Not One of Those Entries, in which I did not review my year but instead discussed paint colors.

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