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Archive for the ‘Holidailies 2010’ Category

Sock Monkey Tries the Dyson Airblade

December 28, 2010

Sock monkey tries the Dyson Airblade

The sock monkey found his arms were too short for this modern hand drying device.


On this date in 2009: Monday, Monday, in which I didn’t like that day.

2008: New Toy, in which Mr. Karen made me a swift.

2007: Possibilities, in which I opened my fabric sketchbook.

2006: A Body in Motion, in which I ran for 25 minutes in a row.

2005: Winter Count—November, in which I looked back at becoming a knitter again.

2004: The Quilt That Isn’t, in which I described a project that never came to be.

2003: No entry.

2002: No entry.

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