Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for the ‘Holidailies 2022’ Category


December 14, 2022

Early in the ski season, I aim to do something new every day I’m out on the slopes. Explore a run or wear a pair of skis I haven’t been on since last season, ride a newly opened lift, and so on. Today I did several new things, including skiing two runs on the backside of the mountain that I hadn’t done yet this season and riding a lift back there which I hadn’t been on since last April. I am still working on building up my skiing stamina or I might have done even more new things today, but that will come.

A couple shots of views I haven’t seen since last spring:

Snowy landscape with a wooden ski rack in the foreground with a pair of skis leaning against it. Ski runs are just visible on the slopes in the distance through the trees.


Snowy landscape with ski tracks in the foreground and snow dusted pine trees backlit by the sun in the middle ground.



On this date in 2021: From Morning ’til Night
2020: Monday Off
2019: Environmental Impact
2018: Road Tripping
2017: Throwback Thursday: 1968
2016: Pouty Face Felt Girl
2015: Wintery
2014: Quilt Show Flashback
2013: No entry
2012: I Can’t Even
2011: Minimal Effort
2010: Spicy Random
2009: Star of Light
2008: Dinner and a Show
2007: WDW 5: Not Quite the Final Frontier & Holiday Spirit
2006: Textile Thursday
2005: Trash into Something
2004: Skiing, Snickers, and Stuff
2003: Thumbs Up for Snow
2002: Zoo Baby Quilt

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