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Archive for the ‘Holidailies 2022’ Category

Mo’ Powder

December 10, 2022

There was a pause in the snowfall yesterday afternoon and evening, but it started back up overnight and has just kept snowing. I believe I may have called this storm into being by RSVPing to a Christmas party a friend is hosting in Spokane tonight. I think I’ll still be able to go, as the amount of snow falling on the mountain is far higher than what they’re gettting in town, and even more far higher than what Spokane is getting. This is as it should be. We can use the snow here. In town, not as much.

I took some quick snapshots this morning, by which I mean quicker than usual. I didn’t even take the time to look for unwanted reflections and adjust the window coverings accordingly, as I sometimes do when I’m trying to take decent shots. Same as I am still online journalling and nail blogging in an age of TikTok and Instagram, I am still taking barely composed, completely unedited snapshots as my foremothers did.

For comparison’s sake to yesterday, here’s the measuring stick on our deck, the 19 inch mark long obscured by five more inches of fluffy powder, with more falling.

Silver metal yardstick attached to a slat on a snow covered deck showing nearly 23 inches built up

The snow hanging off the balcony railing is getting closer to touching the snow building up from the balcony floor.

Snow covered deck with snowflakes falling


This snow is so light that it builds up in vaguely pyramid shaped piles on the branches of the pine trees before it finally weighs them down enough to spill off onto the ground.

View out a window showing a snow-covered pine tree

The only bad news from the slopes today is Mr. K and I discovered we bought Friday-to-Sunday season passes. We both remembered discussing it, but neither of us remembered what we decided. I was pretty sure we’d bought the good every day version, especially since we skied the first day they were open this season, which was a Saturday, but no, we did not. Perhaps it was that decision that brought forth this storm. Mr. K decided to pay for a day ticket to keep skiing since conditions are so good. I decided to not, since I’m not in mid-season form yet and wouldn’t get as much value out of it, between not feeling in shape to get into the trees and leaving early to get ready to go to Spokane.


On this date in 2021: Short and Soggy
2020: A Couple More Things I’m Not Getting Rid of Just Yet
2019: Fall Road Trip Loop, Part 2: Now This is a Canyon
2018: I Love the 70s
2017: What Passes for Excitement Around Here
2016: Offline
2015: And We’re Off
2014: Let’s Go Red Wings
2013: No entry
2012: No Nail Pak for Me
2011: File Under “Old School”
2010: Winters Past
2009: Copy ‘n’ Think ‘n’ Share
2008: Not Quite OCD
2007: WDW, Part One
2006: Just Another Bummed Out Sunday
2005: Tastes of the Season
2004: No entry
2003: It’s the Pants
2002: I’m Back

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