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Archive for the ‘Holidailies 2024’ Category

A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 47

December 18, 2024

Time to get back to catching up with photos of the days before I left on my most recent trip.

Monday, November 18: Out on a walk in the neighborhood with Mr. Karen, came across this little snowperson constructed from plow chunks on the side of the road. It made me smile. I thought the use of dirty snow instead of coal for eyes and nose was an especially creative idea.

Snow person with three irregularly shaped chunks of snow making up its body, three small chunks of dark grey snow for eyes and nose, and spindly branches for arms. Sitting just at the side of a plowed road with snow covered pine trees on either side.


Tuesday, November 19: Soon this run will have skiers and snowboarders on it.

Looking down a snow covered but closed ski run to the lake in the valley below. There's a chairlift on the left side of the run and pink tinges in the sky.

Wednesday, November 20: Headed off on a solo trip to western Washington, giving myself an extra day to travel before the class I’d paid for in case the mountain pass got impassible for a while due to winter weather. First stop: the dumpsters on the mountain to drop off some trash. All summer, there’d been a semi-truck trailer sized unit there, but apparently for winter we’re back to multiple smaller units. Maybe the truck that picks up the big one can’t make it up the mountain road in winter or something like that.

Five dark green metal dumpsters sitting in a snowy parking lot.

Thursday, November 21: Woke up in Ellensburg, Washington and made it over the pass with no issues. Did run into a power outage from the windstorm that had come through the day or two before that meant I couldn’t have the snack I promised myself for making it over the pass but I improvised. Even had time to have conveyer belt sushi before the first event of my crafty weekend.

Covered plate of sushi on conveyer belt. Dome has a sticker on it with three cartoon characters cavorting in clover: yellow, blue, and red Pimkins.

Friday, November 22: Had time during my lunch break to pop over to the Space Needle. The gift shop, as it has been every time I’ve visited, was full of fun things. I pondered but did not buy a kawaii plush version of the structure. Something about a soft and cute and chubby rendition of a thing that’s thin and sleek and retro-futuristic struck me as odd.

Four white and light blue plush Space Needle stuffies lined up on a shelf. Their shape is more water bottle than Space Needle.

Saturday, November 23: Treated myself to something I didn’t even know was a possibility when I planned my trip: a Christmas light maze inside T-Mobile park. Of course I found a way to be anxious about it beforehand—what about parking, what if I missed the timed ticket window, etc.—but I pushed through and really enjoyed it. Even got to try a Korean Cheese Dog at one of the vendor stands Definitely not something I could see (or eat) at home.

View onto the floor of a baseball stadium from the concourse. There are many many light displays set up, including a very tall Christmas tree, a Ferris wheel, colored arches, and a forest of white trees.

Sunday, November 24: Had the afternoon free so braved the drizzle to go to not one but two Japanese gardens, one smaller and more manicured and one larger and wilder. I’d intended to just go to one, but that’s only because it hadn’t occurred to me before I searched that there would be more than the one I’d been told about.

Garden with willow tree with yellow leaves dominating the left side of the frame, a stone bench in the middle, and bushes/trees with rusty pink leaves on the right.



On this date in 2023: Night Walking
2022: No journal entry
2021: Way Down South
2020: What Once Burned Bright
2019: Yesterday’s Beauty
2018: Reorganizing
2017: C’mon Snow
2016: Yak Emulation
2015: It’s Handy to Be Married to Someone Handy
2014: Detroit Back in the Day
2013: WDW Day 2: Epcot
2012: There’s Cake in There Somewhere
2011: Stockpiling
2010: Getting With the Times
2009: Lady Doctors
2008: I Am Not a Girlie Girl
2007: Oh Office Tree
2006: No entry
2005: Winter Count—July
2004: Just Another Saturday Morning
2003: Car Talk
2002: Humbug

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