Too Many Tabs
December 3, 2024
I had something else in mind to write for today, but when I was updated the “on this date” list at the bottom of my draft document, I saw that I seem to have started a tradition of clearing out tabs on my phone browser during Holidailies, and I sure need to do that again (at this moment I have so many open that it doesn’t even show me a number), so no time like the present to take care of that.
Some of the tabs that I decided to let go of :
An article touting my mountain as “one of the best family-friendly ski spots in the Northwest” that my news app served me up the other day. Even before I clicked through I knew it was here, as I’ve skied the run shown in the first picture too many times to remember each one.
8 Most Comfortable Towns in Washington for Seniors, also served to me by the news app. Mr. Karen and I won’t stay in Idaho forever, and Washington is one of the places we’re considering for our next move, so this subject is on point, but the article reads like it was written by AI so I don’t trust it.
Novavax COVID vaccine finder. I wanted to get Novavax this last time but ended up not being able to find it … either places didn’t have it yet or had gotten a small number of doses early on that were gone before I asked about them with no clear indication when they might get more. Decided that some vaccine was better than none, so went with Moderna since I’d had Pfizer the time before that.
Google search results for “lava lamp dead” because I’m lampsitting for a friend this winter and want to be a good caretaker. (She’s a snowbird and their house will be empty and cold this winter and she didn’t want the lamp to freeze and break.)
Web page for the eye doctor I want to switch to because their practice has lots of experience with aging patients, and I’m at the point where I’m starting to think I need that. Cataracts are in my future if my parents’ experience is any indication, and I’ve also been feeling that my night vision isn’t what it used to be. Yes, it’ll be a much longer drive than the practice I went to in town the last time I had an eye exam, but about the same as the one I went to before that.
Various weather forecasts and restaurant menus and attraction descriptions for places I’ve visited in recent months. Why I don’t just close these after I’ve looked at them I do not know. They’re easy enough to find again.
So many baseball-related things: stories about Cubs players (major and minor leaguers), the Cubs schedule, the announcement of the Cubs’ jersey patch for Motorola, Wrigley Field seating chart with gate information, etc.
So many macrame-related things: patterns I want to try, sources for cord, discussion forum threads. I do enjoy the process of tying but feel no desire to make things like wallhangings that I’d have to find a home for. It’s enough for me to tie and maybe take some photos and then untie, though once in a while I do something that I hang up temporarily to enjoy looking at.
A stir-fry recipe I’ve made several times, tweaking the mix of flavors in the sauce every time. I’ve got my own version written down now, so I can let go of this.
Tabs that survived:
Weather forecast for the mountain.
Bluesky. I still keep forgetting to check this.
Forum thread on how to do fast fast fast forwarding on iPod because I still can’t reliably remember how to do this.
Tabs that survived last year’s cleanup but which weren’t there this year:
NY Times games for Wordle and Connections. Usually shows Connections as I do that one after Wordle typically. I stopped doing these before the tech workers strike and haven’t felt the need to go back.
Snow report for the mountain. Have been using the “look out the window and maybe check Facebook” method so far this season.
And now I’m down to less than one full page of tabs open. That won’t last but it’s nice to see anyway. Feels calming.
On this date in 2023: Goodbye Tabs
2022: Winter Was Coming and Now It’s Here
2021: Enchantment
2020: Three Little Kittens
2019: Fall Road Trip Loop, Part 1: It’s Not a Canyon, Really
2018: Mundanity on the Mountain
2017: The Mountain is Calling
2016: Driving, Driving, Driving
2015: Achievement Unlocked
2014: To Everything There Is a Season
2013: Creepier Than Elf on a Shelf
2012: Getting Better
2007 through 20111: No journal entries
2006: Eye Candy is Better Than No Candy at All
2005: No entry
2004: Catching Up, Again
2003: Bad Logo on the Rise
2002: Winter