Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for the ‘Photo Diary’ Category

A Week in Photos: 2025, Part 7

February 25, 2025

Monday, February 10: Looking at the ski hill as the last rays of sun are just kissing the trees at the top of the ridge.

Ski resort in winter. Clusters of buildings at the base. Almost all in shadow at the end of the day.

Tuesday, February 11: Twilight from the parking lot at my studio.

Four willow trees, branches bare because it's winter, next to piles of large logs waiting for their turn in the sawmill. The sky is touched with pink near the horizon.

Wednesday, February 12: Snow against the back window is at the stuff is getting trapped between the snow and the glass stage. Definitely the sign of a good winter.

Tall narrow window with snow about halfway up outside it. A couple small leaves and a branch are embedded in the snow at various points.

Thursday, February 13: Just thought these salt rings left behind in a parking lot as the puddle dried up in stages were interesting.

Not quite whiteout landscape shot with foggy white sky, snow covered trees, and snow covered ground.

Friday, February 14: Skiing on Valentine’s Day in a bit of an ice fog. Still fun.

Self portrait in my ski gear, standing on a run, my goggles only partly cleared of the glaze of ice deposited by the fog as I skiied down.

Saturday, February 15: Went down to the city with a friend for a Valentine’s themed party and picked up this heart. Yes, that’s barbed wire. I have some quirky friends.

Heart made out of barbed wire hanging on a tan painted chipboard wall.

Sunday, February 16: Fireworks show at the resort for the holiday weekend. Clouds and fog are often a feature of these shows.

Ski mountain village at night. A large fireworks burst is half hidden behind a cloud above one of the runs.



On this date in 2024: No journal entry
2023: A Week in Photos: 2023, Part 7
2015 to 2022: No entries
2014: Winter Fun Close to Home
2008 to 2013: No entries
2007: Farewell, Orange Ranger
2003 to 2006: No entries

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