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A Week in Photos: 2025, Part 6

February 19, 2025

Monday, February 3: One of my favorite ski runs dumps out to this junction where the choices are go on the path through the woods to the beginner lift or get on the last remaining slow double chair on the hill (if it’s open, which it usually is not). I noticed that the sign here hasn’t been updated since the beginner lift was replaced, renamed, and reconfigured a couple years ago. Was rather nice to see this piece of history still there.

Snow covered pine trees on snow covered ground at the juncture of two ski trails. There's a green sign with white letters with the words Musical Chairs and Sunnyside on it with arrows indicating which way to go for each.

Tuesday, February 4: Because Costco is one of the few big companies to not bend the knee to the new U.S. regime demanding an end to diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, I decided to buy a membership after saying for years that I didn’t want or need one. The process took longer than I expected because of the upselling (higher membership tier, co-branded credit card) and such, so I was only able to buy gas on my way to the event that had brought me down to the city. That event wrapped up in time for me to do a 22 minute speedrun through the store on my way home. (I took this picture of my welcome packet the next morning as I’d been too rushed the day before.)

White plastic bag with Costco Wholesale printed on it in red and blue. A pamphlet services rests on the bag; this has a photo of a dog on the front.

Wednesday, February 5: Finally at the dentist for the cleaning appointment that I kept rescheduling due to my coughing illness of December and January. Made it through okay even though I am still coughing a bit (maybe out of habit??).

POV from me sitting in the dentists chair before the cleaning starts. My hiking shoes are visible at the end of the lounge chair and dental equipment is framed in the window looking out onto the snowy streetscape.

Thursday, February 6: Low contrast day at the top of the mountain. In some spots, the clouds/fog opened up to give a glimpse of the valley.

Not quite whiteout landscape shot with foggy white sky, snow covered trees, and snow covered ground.

Friday, February 7: Inflatable helicopter showed up in the village for a weekend. Hadn’t seen that before. Apparently there was a VR experience inside to sell heliskiing adventures. I didn’t go in.

Red inflatable helicopter fitted out with doors for people to go inside. Set up on a snow covered village green in front of a deepest grey with white trim hotel.

Saturday, February 8: Stopped at the grocery store to pick up snacks to bring to the party I was headed to and was greeted by this very pink display of Valentine’s gifts.

Store display with three shelves of pink stuffed animals holding hearts: foxes, turtles, sloths, and hedgehogs (I think).

Sunday, February 9: Another new egg grade to try: AA.

Paperboard egg carton on a pale mustard yellow countertop.



On this date in 2024: A Week in Photos: 2024, Part 6
2003 through 2023: No journal entries

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