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Archive for the ‘Photo Diary’ Category

A Week in Photos: 2025, Part 5

February 10, 2025

Monday, January 27: Sunny day on the slopes. The snowcat skiing operation that runs out of this building just on the other side of out of bounds was bought by the resort this season. Maybe someday that terrain will come in bounds, but for now it’s a hefty upcharge to go out there. I’ve never been and don’t plan to go, as there’s plenty of terrain for me to play on for the price of my season pass.

View from a ski run along the crest of the mountain, looking down at a building nestled in the snow covered trees. There are snow capped peaks in the distance.

Tuesday, January 28: When faced with a huge plush PopTart on entering a local store to get other things, I immediately weakened and put it in my cart to take home with me. It just made me smile too much to leave it there.

Shopping cart viewed from the handle end as it's being wheeled down an aisle in a store. A plush Pop Tart stuffie is sitting a in the cart, taking up nearly the full width of it and sticking up out of the top by a foot or so.

Wednesday, January 29: Another ski day. There was some frost built up on the snowbanks along the roads that caught my eye as Mr. Karen and I walked to the village.

Closeup of frost formed on top of a snowbank. It looks almost like vegetation frozen by Elsa.

Thursday, January 30: Studio day. One of the projects I need to complete there is weeding out my shoe collection, but these Barbie pink slides with sparkles and a grippy tread make me smile too much to let go of just now.

My legs from mid-calf down, one ankle crossed in front of the other as I stand with feet shod in hot pink slides with open toes and wide band across the forefoot decorated with matching rhinestones. The high heel is cylindrical and narrow and ends in a wider flat circle of a base with rubber sole material affixed to the bottom.

Friday, January 31: Skiing on a storm day.

Me, kitted out for skiing in plum helmet, lilac coat, goggles, pink neck gaiter, standing on a slope with the chairlift behind me. I'm dusted with snow as it's actively storming.

Saturday, February 1: Clearing the snow from the storm off my car so I can get to town to hang out with a friend. Yes, going to town on a day like this means missing good snow to ski on, but it also means missing weekend crowds, so I’m okay with that at this point in my ski life.

Tangerine colored car sitting in a driveway. There's about a foot of snow on it, with the half of the car closest to the camera having been cleared, forming a pile of snow all along the side of the the vehicle. In the background, ski runs on a mountain are visible.

Sunday, February 2: When you’re standing in the bathroom getting ready for bed and realize you haven’t taken a photo for the diary yet, the Pokemon shower curtain gets its moment in the spotlight. I bought this for $5 on clearance thinking I’d have it up for a while to amuse myself and our guests, then replace it with something more suitable for a grown up’s house. But it keeps amusing me and our guests, so it’s still there after a few years. If I’d known it was going to be a semi-permanent fixture, I might have ironed it before putting it up.

Shower curtain with a blue background and large colorful action poses of Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Pikachu.



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