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Archive for the ‘Photo Diary’ Category

A Week in Photos: 2025, Part 2

January 15, 2025

Monday, January 6: Walked down to the village with Mr. Karen and got the mail as the last few folks made their way down to the lower parking lot at the end of the ski day.

Looking down a ski slope to the valley with a lake below. A few skiers are heading down the run under the empty chairlift as it's the end of the day.

Tuesday, January 7: Another day, another walk to the village to get the mail, this time after dark and through the village proper (rather than coming up to the back of the lodge where the mailboxes are). I was glad to the Christmas tree in front of the hotel was still up, as I’d not gotten a lot of time to admire it this year what with being gone and/or sick in December.

Tall fake pine tree with blue and white lights and natural snow in front of closed shops in a small ski village.

Wednesday, January 8: Continuing the Christmas theme, Mr. Karen found this Santa he’d made as a boy while going through a box we brought back from his mom’s storage unit when we cleared it out last month.

Santa ornament (possibly also a napkin ring?) made of red construction paper, now faded, decorated with white, black, and red crayon.  The body is a squat rectangle and the skinny arms stick straight out to the sides.

Thursday, January 9: Decided I had enough energy to both go grocery shopping with Mr. Karen and have dinner in town with friends. As in many (most?) places in the U.S., we’re seeing fewer eggs available, which has led to things like Grade B ones being stocked to make up part of that shortfall, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.

My hand holding a grey paper carton of Grade B eggs I've picked up from the cold case in front of me.

Friday, January 10: After my big day out, I spent this day resting at home, looking out the windows now and then. Definitely been a good season for snow so far.

Tall relatively narrow window with snow starting to pile up at its base.

Saturday, January 11: Did not take any pictures, but did color plenty in the Happy Color app, including this picture of the month from December.

Screenshot from Happy Color app showing completed picture of a village scene in winter, with a small river in front of some brick townhouses. The color palette leans toward pastel rainbow.

Sunday, January 12: Saw signs of the sober side of skiing on this day’s trip to the village: a ski patrol sled parked outside of first aid, left to be dealt with after the injured person unloaded from it gets the medical attention they need. Earlier this year, a snowboarder died on the mountain, victim of a fall into a tree well. We just have to make our best judgment about what risks we’re willing to take on, do our best to make choices that minimize those risks, and accept that accidents can happen despite doing our best.

Ski patrol tobaggan style sled sitting in the snow, a red tarp open to show pillow and blanket. A pair of skis sits on the snow by the handles. In the background, snowmobiles, a snowcat, and other vehicles parked in a lot.



On this date in 2008 through 2024: No journal entries
2007: Rainy Days
2003 through 2006: No entries

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