Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Archive for the ‘Photo Diary’ Category

A Week-ish in Photos: 2024, Part 52

January 1, 2025

Monday, December 23: Went with Mr. Karen to pick up the dresser we decided to have refurbished (but not refinished, due to cost) after no one else in the family grabbed it from his mom’s storage unit when we were dispersing the furniture. Here it is all wrapped up for transport (the mirror was already loaded in our car; we’ll reattach it one day). The restorer did some research for us along with her quote, so I now know the style is called Eastlake and was popular around 1870 to 1890. What sold me on keeping it in the family were the details: the joints in the drawers (which I later learned are called Knapp joints) and the quirky drawer pulls. It’s well built and has character. It also had water damage from a basement flood and a few chips in the marble top and a crack or two in the drawer backs, but that’s all fixed now.

Warm brown wooden dresser wrapped in plastic cling film and sitting on a dolly.


Tuesday, December 24: I was feeling rather under the weather, so lounged around Kathy’s house in Star Wars Christmas leggings and Cheez Its socks (and a Cheese the Day shirt) while Mr. Karen went to see what was left in his mom’s storage unit and strategize about getting it emptied this trip.

My legs, crossed at the ankle. Socks are red with orange cheese crackers and the word Cheez It in white. My leggings have a navy background with a stylized pattern of triangular Christmas trees with droids and Chewbacca peeking out from behind them at intervals.

Wednesday, December 25: I did have enough energy to join in the opening of the presents. Not sharp enough to realize I’d put the Santa hat over the antlers on my novelty glasses (everyone gets novelty glasses and/or a Santa hat and/or headband to wear at Kathy’s house).

Me, wearing a Santa hat and brown glittery glasses over my actual glasses. My long hair is blue and my sweatshirt is heather grey with Mickey Mouse in various holiday outfits lined up across the front.

Thursday, December 26: We had a weather window that looked good for getting over the mountain pass, so Mr. Karen and I got up early (for us), went to rent a trailer, loaded up the last of the stuff from the storage unit, and drove home, stopping at the studio to unload and unhook the trailer before we went up the mountain road. Felt like a big accomplishment. (Compare the photo below to the one from December 2018 when we first loaded it up with the stuff that came cross country on the moving truck.)

Empty storage unit with plywood floor and corrugated metal walls.

Friday, December 27: Returned to the studio and unloaded the dresser from the car (we’d been too tired to do it the night before). Then Mr. Karen hooked up the trailer so he could return it, which unfortunately had to be done back down in Washington as all the places closer to us were full for returns. I stayed in the studio and rearranged things to make space for the stuff we’d unloaded there. When Mr. K got back, we went grocery shopping because our cupboards were on the bare side after all our absences this month. Saw some Peeps candy canes in the holiday clearance section and left them there.

Boxes of yellow candy canes stacked up on a store display. Sticker on the front of a yellow Peeps wearing a Santa hat and red scarf.

Saturday, December 28: Still feeling under the weather, so instead of going out to ski with Mr. Karen, I stayed in and relaxed and pondered all the snow that fell while we were away and just how very many cars were parked all over thanks to the holiday week hordes. I really am spoiled by how uncrowded it is here most of the time.

Looking out from a balcony with a couple of feet of snow on it to a road with cars parked perpendicular on both sides.

Sunday, December 29: Another rest day for me, only watching the outside world and not getting out in it. Little did I know at the time I saw mountain security arrive to help the SUV that got stuck coming up the road that it would not be the only incident there this day. (See the other one here.)

Looking out a window at a snow covered road. A white SUV coming up the hill has slid over to the edge of the road and gotten stuck there. A dark blue pickup is stopped a ways up the road and a man is heading from it to the stuck vehicle.

Monday, December 30: Cough drops don’t seem to be helping me … I often cough while I am sucking on one, but these Ricola ones at least taste nice.

Open bag of Ricola Berry Medley cough drops. The bag has a warm purple background with paintings of various herbs surrounding the label:


Tuesday, December 31: Nothing like looking out the bedroom window before getting dressed and seeing two guys on the roof next door. With the top down blinds, people being able to see in isn’t usually a problem, but people aren’t usually on the roof. Mr. Karen and I had a quiet New Year’s Eve at home (except for the periodic bursts of fireworks starting at 9 p.m.) and that’s just fine with me.

Ski chalet style building with several feet of snow on the sloped roof and two men with shovels clearing it.



On this date in 2024: Resolutions or Goals or Intentions
2023: And Now It’s 2023
2022: Happy Color Holidays
2021: Onward
2020: New Year, New Decade
2019: Welcome 2019
2018: Landing Gently in 2018
2017: Is 2017 Going to Be My Year?
2016: Irresolute
2015: Starting Off Right
2014: With a Whimper and a Bang
2013: Home
2012: 2011 Photo Projects
2011: 52 and a Half Weeks
2010: Meeting the Challenge
2009: Happy 2009
2008: The Beginning
2007: Good Clutter
2006: Done and Undone
2005: The Shoe Said “Love”
2004: No entry
2003: No entry

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