Hat on Top, Coat Below


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Entries in the ‘Other Quilts’ Subcategory


Today, a week after I put one of my quilts on a guest bed, I put another in the main bedroom.


I call myself a quilter, but in recent years, I’ve been one more in spirit than in action, sewing only when I got together with my quilting buddies (and sometimes not even then‐at one gathering I knit and another worked on a photo album). After I finished the baby quilts for my grandnieces in summer […]

Raffle Quilt

Going through my photo files to get the images for yesterday’s entry, I realized I never shared the group quilt I worked on with the ladies in my office this past spring. We made it to be raffled off at our company’s user conference (well, silent auctioned, as it turned out, but I still think […]

TV Quilt

I finished a quilt! It’s not a big quilt, not even as big as a baby quilt. It is just about the right size for the space it was made for: our television. The quilt attaches to a mounting bracket Mr. Karen made and covers the big blank screen when we’re not watching it. I’m […]

We All Quilt in a Yellow Submarine

This is the latest quilt I worked on, a group quilt done with the ladies at work. I don’t have a picture of the finished product, because I wasn’t the one who did the binding, nor was I at the event when it was presented. Those of you who follow my Flickr stream got a […]

Anniversary Quilt

Despite having had so little quilting mojo lately that I’ve been working (or more precisely, failing to work) on the same two projects for the last six months, I accepted a commission from one of Mr. Karen’s former coworkers (I’ll call him Stan) to do a 60th anniversary quilt for his parents. I only agreed […]

Sailboat Group Quilt

I haven’t managed to spend much time on my quilt projects for some months now, but I did help with another group quilt done by some of the crafty ladies from the office. We made it for a coworker who is a serious sailor in his time away from the office; the pattern is "Sailing" […]

I Love the Internet

A couple of months ago, one of my fellow knitting quilters on Ravelry posted a question about donating a quilt top to charity; I replied that my guild would be happy to have it for our ongoing project to ensure that every person who comes through the SAFE House domestic violence shelter gets a quilt […]

Friendship Quilt Top

Last night several of us from work and I surprised our friend and colleague Ona with this friendship quilt top, made for the occasion of a significant birthday. Two of the other ladies decided on the purple and batiks theme and coordinated getting blocks from the recipient’s friends and family, and I volunteered to assemble […]

Basket Quilt

Here’s the little quilt I made for Vonnie, who won in my 5-year journalversary drawing. She said “vibrant earth tones”, and this is the result. I started with this group of fabrics and built from there, getting everything I needed from my stash. (I did manage to work some purple in there, too, even though […]

Colorwash Quilts

Before we begin: I accidentally purged my hatontop.com junk mail without reading it this morning (I blame having to get up way too early today), so if you sent me mail yesterday and we haven’t corresponded before, please re-send. Thank you. ***** Mel has posted a few things about watercolor quilts over on Quilts Galore […]

Sofa Star Quilt

This is not a new quilt. I finished it in January 1994; it’s a companion piece to one of the Evening Star series quilts (this one, to be specific). Like the wallhanging, this one uses the Evening Star block and the fabrics were chosen to coordinate with the couch in our family room. The small […]

Strips That Sizzle

Since the colder weather’s been around a while, I decided to put the quilt back on our bed when I changed the sheets this weekend. I figured I’d share it here, too, since I haven’t quite gotten any new quilts done lately. (Though I did make some excellent progress this weekend, quilting in turn with […]

Evening Star Quilts

Three little quilts I gave away are now unexpectedly back in my possession. I’d donated them for a charity fund raising auction that one of my coworkers was planning in connection with running a marathon (like the breast cancer walk, but different). I guess the auction didn’t happen or the quilts didn’t sell, because they […]

More Mushrooms

Finally, I have a new quilt to show. I made this one for someone who saw my little mushroom quilt and asked if I wanted to sell it. I didn’t but offered to make her something similar if she’d pay for the materials, and from that e-mail exchange this quilt came to be. It’s quite […]

Collaborative Effort

Like the heart quilt (which still isn’t finished, which is too bad because at the July guild meeting they did charity quilts at show and tell first, so I could have scooted up there and still made it to Nia on time, except I wouldn’t have been able to get the label and sew it […]

Heart Quilt

I finished this quilt yesterday. Well, mostly finished–I still need to snip off the loose thread ends and stitch down the corners of the binding, but it was done enough to take pictures of, so here it is. I’m ambivalent about this quilt; it doesn’t feel like it’s really one of mine. I didn’t pick […]

The Manhole Quilt Saga

Remember when I was soliciting votes in the manhole photo contest and promised to make a quilt to be given away to a lucky reader if I won? And then I won? And then barely mentioned the whole thing for almost three months? Well, as you can see in this picture, I finally finished the […]

Alaska Quilt

This is my latest quilted creation, a small wallhanging made for Dale and Joan to commemorate our trip to Alaska and the Yukon Territory, finished just in time to give to them for Christmas. That’s fitting, since it was during our Christmas visit last year that we started planning for that trip, picking the dates […]

Cheater’s Compass

This is my second quilt, which I finished in December of 1989, just in time to give to my mom for Christmas. I didn’t use a pattern–the Mariner’s Compass blocks were preprinted on fabric my mom gave me (even before I finished my first quilt, I started answering “quilting supplies” when asked what I’d like […]

My First Quilt

This is me with the first quilt I ever made, soon after I finished it in January of 1989 (it is also soon after I finished making payments on my first car, which is why there are so many balloons around, but that’s a story for another entry). It started when I ran out of […]

Magical Mushrooms

Ta da! I finished it! And through the magic of expensive shipping, it even got there a day early. (Or maybe it was right on time; I was a little confused by the “Entries must be received prior to August 6, 2004” notation on the entry form–prior to is not the same as no later […]

Jerbet Quilt

As promised (or should that be threatened?) in my last entry, today it’s quilt story time. Mel and I made this one for Beth and Jeremy, who make it possible for us to hang out at The Usual Suspects, without which we probably wouldn’t have met in the first place. This quilt got its start […]

Nonrandom Act of Friendship Quilting

This is a quilt for ElleBee, a fellow Usual Suspect and the woman who single handedly runs the Random Acts of Journaling collaborative I participate in. Like Ellie’s quilt, this is an attempt to make tangible the good wishes that flowed in a thread on the Virtual Underwire support forum after ElleBee shared the news […]

Memory Quilt

Last week, I completed the memory quilt I first mentioned way back at the beginning of January. The letter I mailed that morning was the first step in a what turned out to be the most emotional quilting experience I’ve ever had. Thanks to the United We Quilt project, I was matched with a woman […]

Giant Novelty Potholder

Obviously I’m feeling better, because here’s my latest quilt project, completed this morning. I know I said I was going to start on the memory quilt next, and I did. I just didn’t finish it yet. I got sidetracked by doing this silly little piece for the Hoffman Challenge. I’ve never entered this challenge before, […]

Friendship Quilt

After I finished the zoo baby quilt, I planned to work on a quilt for me, one of my unfinished objects. I got the blocks for that quilt out and put them all up on my felt wall to ponder whether I wanted to change some of them or just start sewing them together. What […]

Chuck’s Quilt

The USPS performed as advertised, so now I’m free to tell the story of this small quilt, the one I was being mysterious about in my last entry lest I ruin the surprise for the recipient. I made it for Chuck, one of my online friends from an Artist’s Way mailing list. He made a […]

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