Books I read in 2020, organized by category and then alphabetically by author: Non-Fiction—Memoir, Autobiography, Biography, Non-Fiction—Race, Gender, and Politics, Non-Fiction—Everything Else, Fiction—Romance, Erotica, Science Fiction, and Fantasy, Fiction—Everything Else.
(RR) means re-read
(P) means read on paper
(A) means listened to it on audio
The Rose Hotel, Rahimeh Andalibian
This was hard to read. Not because of how it was written (though a time or two I did lose track of when things happened as the telling jumps back and forth in time) but because the events were so painful … and I wasn’t even living them like the author and her family did. I very much appreciated the look into a part of the world I will never experience.
Solutions and Other Problems, Allie Brosh (P)
Her earlier book is on my five-star list, so I went ahead and bought the hardcover of this one. It made me laugh so hard I cried so many times.
Hyperbole and a Half, Allie Brosh (RR)
Still funny after all these years.
Dirt, Bill Buford
I would have like this better if the author were single, because I kept getting annoyed at how little engagement he seemed to have in raising his young twin sons, instead leaving them with his wife in NYC during the week while he worked at a restaurant in Washington DC; at least when they got to France he’d come home at night and did seem to spend at least a little time with boys. I would love for his wife to write a book about this time in their lives. I was also distracted by wondering how these adventures were funded … was the book advance so large as to allow them to afford to keep a place in NYC while they also paid for a place in France? All that said, the cooking and food parts were interesting; I’ve experimented with changing the way I crack eggs as a result, and I might very well read other things from this author.
In the Shadow of the Valley, Bobi Conn
Another hard for me to read memoir. They get written by the survivors, the ones who don’t get completely ground down by their circumstances, so that gives just enough hope that I don’t feel completely wrecked after I’m done.
The Pale-Faced Lie: A True Story, David Crow
Another book that was hard to read not because of the writing but the subject matter.
A Life in Stitches, Rachael Herron
This was so good. So sad at times, true, but a good kind of sad, if that makes sense.
We Are Never Meeting in Real Life, Samantha Irby
I’m making myself a note to re-read this sometime when the country is less fraught (please let there be a time when the country is less fraught), because I feel like my background level of anxiety was too high to enjoy the humor in this volume of essays. I did enjoy reading them, and found a fair bit I could relate to (I think it helped that I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago so had some familiarity with the places). I’ll look for other books by this author, though might wait until I’m in a better headspace for them.
High Achiever, Tiffany Jenkins
A quick read. I couldn’t help but wonder how her story of addiction and jail time would have come out if she were not white. The author doesn’t seem to reflect on that at all, nor does she share some parts of her recovery that I think would have added to the depth of this memoir.
If I Live Until Morning: A True Story of Adventure, Tragedy, and Transformation, Jean Muenchrath
This could have benefited from tighter editing and proofreading. Still, it’s a compelling life story. For me, it was something of an exercise in not judging, and trying to understand why the author made some of the decisions she did. I appreciated that opportunity. By the end of the book I was moved to tears. I bumped my rating up to compensate for those who bumped theirs down due to their dislike of non-Christian spirituality.
My Wife Said You May Want to Marry Me, Jason Rosenthal
I wasn’t familiar with the author’s wife’s work, so I didn’t have any pre-existing connection to this story. Since the book starts by saying his wife died of cancer, I don’t feel it’s a spoiler to mention it here as part of saying I was most engaged in this memoir while his wife was still a part of it. I do wonder how this story would have played out if they had made a different choice early on in their marriage when they decided to not take a particular risk. The part of the book after her death didn’t have what I was looking for … it seemed too much at a distance, too light on details to be engaging.
Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth, Sarah Smarsh
My family had its struggles so some of this felt very relatable. I appreciated the author’s insight into the American Dream.
Dear Girls, Ali Wong
I watched at least one of the author’s comedy specials, so wasn’t surprised by the frank language. I didn’t find it as funny on the page as on the screen but did enjoy her reminiscences especially about her time studying abroad.
White Fragility, Robin J. DiAngelo
I know there’s been pushback against this book recently. I was already reading it when I saw some of those articles/posts and was finding some valuable insights, so kept on and finished. I don’t think it should be the only book on racism one reads. I do think it could be a good entry point to the subject for some white folks. Unfortunately, the ones who most need to upgrade their understanding are super resistant to this information. I don’t know how to solve that.
Stamped from the Beginning, Ibram X. Kendi
I took my time with this one; there’s a lot to absorb here. I might need to read it again. It’s written by an academic but never got mired in academic language, which I very much appreciated. I also appreciated the nuanced assessments of historical figures.
The Color of Compromise, Jemar Tisby
Very good historical survey of the history of racism in the US and discussion of how churches and religious leaders took actions (or failed to take them) that got us to where we are now. I liked that the book concluded with suggestions for actions from very small to very large.
Palaces for the People, Eric Klinenberg
Makes a great case for the importance of social infrastructure. I wish I felt more hopeful that things will improve in those areas in the US but seems we’re moving in the wrong direction in most cases.
Algorithms of Oppression, Safiya Umoja Noble
I struggled reading this and almost gave up more than once. I’m interested in the topic but the writing about it here was dense with what I’m thinking is academia-ese, and that’s not a language I am fluent in. Sentences like “The language and terminologies used to describe results on the Internet in commercial search engines often obscure the fact that commodified forms of representation are being transacted on the web and that these commercial transactions are not random or without meaning as simply popular websites.” made my head hurt trying to figure out what the point was.
The Exceptional Negro: Racism, White Privilege, and the Lie of Respectability Politics, Traci D. O’Neal
This book draws on prior works in the field and goes on to expand upon them. The author shares some personal stories of her experiences with racism which I found to be a very valuable addition to the text. I also liked that she gives some actions to consider taking, both for Black families and white people who want to be allies. Disclosure: Growing up, I was friends with the author; we were in the same high school graduating class and though our paths diverged after that, we are still in touch on social media to this day.
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men, Caroline Criado Perez
This looked intimidatingly long on my e-reader compared to things I’ve been reading lately, but turned out a lot of those pages were footnotes and index so I did manage to finish it before my library loan expired. Reading it made me angry that we still have so far to go towards gender equity. This is well researched (hence all the footnotes) and provides examples from various countries, not all majority white, which I appreciated. I didn’t appreciate that there was no mention of transgender, intersex, or non-binary people; perhaps the author found them inconvenient in the way she asserts many researchers find women inconvenient for their studies and thus excluded them (if they thought of them in the first place).
It’s Worth It: How to Talk to Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors, Egberto Willies
I’m not familiar with this author’s blog or radio show; if I were I might have been less distracted by some of the phrasing and word choices, as I think many of those might just be the author’s “voice” rather than a lack of editing. I don’t feel like this book was helpful for me in talking to my neighbors, as most of them appear to be in the category where the only way to get through to them is to discredit the sources they trust on faith, and the examples given are about talking to folks who favorably respond to facts. That’s not the book’s fault. I almost stopped reading right then when the distinction was make between those two mindsets, but I’m glad I didn’t as some of the content about progressive goals was affirming for me to read.
Project 333, Courtney Carver
For a book about paring your wardrobe to 33 items (including pairs of shoes!) for 3 months, this has a lot of non-wardrobe content.
Holy Sh*t, Melissa Mohr
In this history of swearing through the ages, it was interesting to see what things that would be obscene now were unremarkable in earlier periods.
Living with Lead: An Environmental History of Idaho’s Coeur D’Alenes, 1885-2011, Bradley D. Snow
I want to learn more about the history of this part of the country I’ve chosen to live in, so grabbed this doctoral dissertation turned into a book about the mining district that’s a couple hours from my house. It’s well researched, for sure. I didn’t find it as engaging as some nonfiction (Mary Roach’s books come to mind) but that’s to be expected given its back story as an academic paper.
Sweep in Peace, Ilona Andrews
I’m really liking this series.
One Fell Sweep, Ilona Andrews
I couldn’t wait to read this installment after finishing the previous one. It did not disappoint. Sure, it stretches credulity at times, but since there’s magic involved, I can handle that better than when very improbable/very coincidental things happen in stories set entirely in our reality.
Sweep of the Blade, Ilona Andrews
On a real Ilona Andrews kick here. This book in the Innkeeper Chronicles has barely any inn in it at all, and that was just fine with me, as I liked learning more about this main character and love her spunky halfling daughter. After I finished, I almost immediately went back to re-read some favorite scenes.
Sweep with Me, Ilona Andrews
It was nice to be back in this world, though since this is a novella, it was too short a visit.
Burn for Me, Ilona Andrews
Another Ilona Andrews series I didn’t come upon until now. I liked this one, too.
White Hot, Ilona Andrews
Reading this was something like watching a Marvel movie, just with more sex. It’s cartoony enough to be escapist, which is what I need now.
Wildfire, Ilona Andrews
I devoured this one in big chunks. Not everything gets resolved in this installment but neither does it end on a cliffhanger, so I was fine with that. I didn’t appreciate a small spoiler for the next book in the preview for the book after that which was included in the version I read; wish I’d skipped that bit but it’s not this book’s fault.
Diamond Fire, Ilona Andrews
I didn’t read anything about this before I picked it up, so didn’t realize the main character in this novella is different than the earlier novels in the series. That was fine but makes this more YA than the other books.
Sapphire Flames, Ilona Andrews
Picking up three years after the novella that preceded it in the series, this has the same heroine. She’s now in her early 20s rather than late teens so this installment has more adult content (not as much as the first books in the series, though). The plot hit some very similar beats to some of the earlier books, which I think means I need to take a break from this series, which is convenient as the next book isn’t even due out until late this summer.
Emerald Blaze, Ilona Andrews
I tore through this one. I’m liking the new heroine now more than I did when she first took over.
Iron and Magic, Ilona Andrews
This side series is as enjoyable as the main one in the Kate Daniels world.
Magic Shifts, Ilona Andrews
It’s been over two years since I dipped into this world; I felt like I mostly remembered what was going on. Lots of peril but set in a world different enough from our reality that I could read it without feeling stressed. This particular installment didn’t advance the overall plot lines of the series a whole lot but that’s okay; that’s to be expected in a longer series like this one.
Magic Stars, Ilona Andrews
I might have enjoyed this more if I better remembered what happened in the full length book that preceded this in the series.
Magic Binds, Ilona Andrews
Rather grim, despite there being a celebratory event at the end.
Isn’t It Bromantic?, Lauren Baratz-Logsted
I don’t remember when or why I put this on my Kindle, or why I thought it was a good idea to get book two of a series I haven’t read book one of, but here we are. Maybe if I had read the first book, I’d have a better understanding of why the hero has married someone he seems to not know very well, which I found annoying as a plot device. If you don’t know what music someone likes, you haven’t dated them long enough to get married is my position. Both hero and heroine do unlikable things. It’s told first person from the hero’s perspective in an easy, breezy, jokey style which is not for me. On the plus side, the copy editing was pretty darn good.
Next in Line for Love, Harper Bliss
I read this around the same time as Heartland, which is maybe why I found the characters somewhat annoying, as they were doing rich people stuff that poor people can’t do or suffer consequences if they do.
The Ladies’ Room, Carolyn Brown
I want to say this is low angst, but there are definitely events that happen that aren’t. Still, the overall feel is warm and nice and cozy and I just dove in and paddled around in that pool ’til I’d finished the book.
Maid for the Billionaire, Ruth Cardello
I read this because it was free. It did not sell me on reading the rest of the series.
The Royal We, Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan
This made me cry more than once, both happy and sad tears.
A Hunger Like No Other, Kresley Cole (P, RR)
I was inspired to re-read this due to finding the Fated Mates podcast.
No Rest for the Wicked, Kresley Cole (P, RR)
Continuing my re-read of the series. It’s been enough time that I don’t remember all of the plot lines. In my first read, I didn’t like the heroine so much. I didn’t feel that this time.
Wicked Deeds on a Winter’s Night, Kresley Cole (P, RR)
Still re-reading the series, still being surprised by plot twists I’d forgotten.
Dark Needs at Night’s Edge, Kresley Cole (P, RR)
My attitude regarding the plot on this re-read: Sure, why not. That could happen.
Dark Desires After Dusk, Kresley Cole (P, RR)
It’s been almost 12 years since I read this the first time, so I don’t remember if the next book has the update that would have been in the epilogue I was wishing for about this couple.
Kiss of a Demon King, Kresley Cole (P, RR)
Zipping along through my re-read of this series. There’s a scene that hints that the hero is homophobic; I’m not sure I read it that way the first time through or if I read it right this time or if I’m just hyper sensitive now.
Playing Easy to Get, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Jaid Black, and Kresley Cole (P, RR)
Looking back at my notes from the first time I read this in 2007, I see my opinions have changed. The Kresley Cole story is still my favorite, but the Kenyon has moved into second place thanks to the premise of the Jaid Black story being even more objectionable to me now that I’ve learned more about consent over the years. The novella length meant needed worldbuilding was left out of Black’s story that might have redeemed it somewhat but I’m skeptical enough that I’m not planning to look into other books in that series.
The Warlord Wants Forever, Kresley Cole (RR)
Okay, yes, this story is included in Playing Easy to Get, which I did just read, but that was the original version. This version is the “remastered” one, in which some sections were changed. I felt I should read this while the old one was still fresh in my mind. The events are the same, just a few have a different flavor now. The most striking was the first time the main characters have PIV sex; that’s changed to be much less brutal. This is now marketed as the first book in the Immortals After Dark series, which I don’t love because the novella length doesn’t allow for enough worldbuilding in my estimation. I think reading it after the first book like I did originally is the way to go.
Deep Kiss of Winter, Kresley Cole, Gena Showalter (P, RR)
Re-read so it would be fresh when I listen to the Fated Mates episode that discusses the first novella. The second story made me wonder if I should try one of the full length books in that series, which somehow I haven’t done in the almost nine years since I read this the first time.
Pleasure of a Dark Prince, Kresley Cole (P, RR)
This one felt like a bit of a slog to me during parts of the plot … so much of that tedium could have been avoided.
Demon from the Dark, Kresley Cole (P, RR)
Ah, the darkness really descends in this one. This re-read didn’t make me like it any better. Still two (or is it three?) more books to go in this arc.
Dreams of a Dark Warrior, Kresley Cole (P, RR)
The Fated Mates podcasters call this arc of books in the Immortals After Dark series “Torture Island”, and that’s apt. Lots of darkness here.
Lothaire, Kresley Cole (RR)
I’d forgotten I’d read this one before; looking back at what I wrote after my first read, I apparently liked this more than average. This time, I liked it less. Yes, it’s set in a different world, but the power differential between the hero (who has been and might still be a villain) and the heroine is quite large, and that bothered me.
MacRieve, Kresely Cole
Sigh. Another very young heroine and very old hero with no real attempt to address that power differential. Another hero who has some serious mental health issues that have gone unaddressed for far too long (are there psychotherapists in the Lore? they need them). The heroine had a big dream she was about to accomplish before she met the hero, and while this was given a few mentions, it was never wrapped up in a way that gave me closure. Overall, I was not charmed, but I’ll probably finish the series just so I can know what they’re talking about on the Fated Mates podcast that I’m catching up with.
Dark Skye, Kresley Cole (A)
I can’t remember the last time I did an audio book (I couldn’t get an ebook of this one from the library). My current lifestyle with very little driving isn’t as conducive to them so it took me a while to get through this. I was happy to see the strong pushback against slut shaming in here.
The Professional, Kresley Cole
I really don’t know about this one. The hero is super “alpha”.
The Master, Kresley Cole
Given that the hero of this one is the brother of the one from the first in the series and they come from the same world, it’s not surprising that they share some of the same controlling tendencies. I did like this one better.
A Roll of the Dice, Tymber Dalton
This is a nice, fairly low angst story about a couple entering their empty nest years and figuring out what comes next. Spoiler alert: it’s BDSM. I liked that this seemed realistic.
The Governess Game, Tessa Dare
I picked this up based on a mention in the Fated Mates podcast, but wonder if I got the wrong governess title as plot point mentioned in the recommendation was absent from this book. No matter; I enjoyed this one enough I’m going to look for the others in the series (this was book 2).
The Duchess Deal, Tessa Dare
I read this one out of order, but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable.
The Wallflower Wager, Tessa Dare
Another fun read in this series. Well, mostly fun. There is some backstory that made me feel icky.
Imperfect Chemistry, Mary Frame
I appreciated that the heroine appears to be on the autism spectrum, though this is never called out or discussed explicitly; I wish it had been. I think this is a “not for me” book; it was pleasant enough, and I finished it, but I don’t think I have it in me to connect with college age characters.
Shades of Wicked, Jeaniene Frost
It might have been better for me to re-read at least some of the Night Huntress series before I read this, as when the characters from that showed up here, I got only faint glimmers of recognition.
The Wedding Date, Jasmine Guillory
A rare contemporary that didn’t have me frustrated by thinking “who acts this way in real life”. Sure, there was some non-communication and lack of communication that was frustrating, but that’s part of how these things work, and there’s plenty of that going on in the real world, too.
The First Girl Child, Amy Harmon
I think this was well written, but it left me feeling sad.
Dread Nation, Justina Ireland
My experience of reading this certainly didn’t support my theory that I don’t have it in me to engage with new adult heroines anymore. I engaged to the point I pretty much abandoned my usual practice of having two or three books going at once … the others stalled so I could spend all my reading time with this one. It’s a dark tale, not my usual fare, but I liked it so much.
Deathless Divide, Justina Ireland
So good.
Forbidden, Beverly Jenkins
Well written historical centering Black characters. Does follow the not unusual plot device where a lot of things happen all at once right near the end of the book which is not my favorite but I coped.
Through the Storm, Beverly Jenkins
Picked this one up based on a mention in the author’s notes that followed the text of her Forbidden that I finished recently. I may have learned more about this period of U.S. history (end of the Civil War and Reconstruction) from this romance novel than I did in school.
Sins of a Wicked Duke, Sophie Jordan
I’m getting lots of recommendations from the Fated Mates podcast, which I’m slowly catching up on as I re-read the Immortals After Dark series. This was one of those recommendations, and I enjoyed it. Yes, when examined in the cold light of time to write something about it, I can see it has problems, but at the time I was reading it, I didn’t notice them, I just enjoyed the story.
Shades of Milk and Honey, Mary Robinette Kowal
I’ve followed the author on Twitter for quite a while and figured it was past time I should read some of her work. This is Jane Austen-esque but with domestic magic. I found it charming.
Glamour in Glass, Mary Robinette Kowal
I didn’t enjoy this as much as the first in the series, probably because of the shift in focus from family/personal matters that the first book had.
Without a Summer, Mary Robinette Kowal
If I’d read this at a less fraught time (meaning not in the midst of a pandemic), I might have enjoyed it more. It wasn’t escapist enough for me right now, though it is well researched and well written. It continues the movement that took place in the previous book in the series away from domesticity and toward involvement in violent events in the larger society. Right now, I’d rather be immersed in personal drama and the arcane details of the type of magic that exists in this fictional world.
A Shock for Master Angus, Clair de Lune
Another BDSM novel that was mostly about not particularly kinky sex. The ending didn’t resonate with me at all, either.
The Rouge Not Taken, Sarah MacLean
I liked it, especially the first two thirds when the heroine was on the road, sometimes with, sometimes without the hero. I plan to read the next one in the series.
A Scot in the Dark, Sarah MacLean
At least this one had the hero being dumb instead of the heroine, I guess. Didn’t enjoy as much as the first one but still enough to want to continue the series.
The Day of the Duchess, Sarah MacLean
I wished for fewer flashbacks (or at least chronological flashbacks) as I sometimes had trouble figuring out where in time we were. I liked many of the supporting characters. Found the repeated communication breakdowns between the main characters frustrating; I’m sure I was meant to but it just wasn’t what I was in the mood for. I usually like epilogues but this one stretched my credulity too far. There is one very lovely scene in an unusual setting, and I’m glad I read the book for that alone.
Wicked and the Wallflower, Sarah MacLean
There is a fair bit of backstory here, yet I still wanted more, the better to understand how the hero got where he was and how the heroine developed her skill. I’m not sure I completely bought the heroine’s transformation or the ultimate resolution … not sure how that would work in that society and wished for more elaboration on that.
Middlegame, Seanan McGuire
I almost stopped reading this when the first chapter was titled “Book VII: The End” but then I remembered Star Wars and kept going, all the way to the actual end. It took me a while; time travel is not my favorite thing, and I was often not clear on what was going on, but every so often I’d find a passage that resonated—like “People who say ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ don’t understand how words can be stones, hard and sharp-edged and dangerous and capable of doing so much more harm than anything physical.”—and persist.
Red, White, and Royal Blue, Casey McQuitson
I almost stopped reading this, as it gave me anxiety for the main characters and made me sad thinking about the country we could have had. In the end, I persisted and am glad I did.
The Duchess War, Courtney Milan
This had a different rhythm to the plot than I was expecting, and I liked it.
The Heiress Effect, Courtney Milan
This is a perfectly satisfying romance that also managed to surprise me a few times. I liked it a lot.
The Countess Conspiracy, Courtney Milan
I enjoyed this installment in the series, but wanted more. More exploration of the events during the heroine’s earlier marriage and discussion of how those will affect the main couple going forward. More elaboration of the heroine’s relationship with her mother. I did like that the heroine’s problems weren’t all magically fixed by the love of a good man.
Gideon the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir
It’s dark. It’s got some interesting characters. Even after nearly 500 pages, I don’t have a great sense of what’s going on in this world or why the activity that makes up most of the book was set up the way it was. I was very disappointed at what happened to the character I found to be the most interesting, which I suppose is a sign the writing does have power, if I was affected enough to be mad about what happened.
Club de Fleurs: Jenna, Rose Nikol
I got this because it’s from the same publisher as my favorite BDSM author , Tymber Dalton. I did not like this book nearly as well as any I’ve read from Ms. Dalton. It seems to be trying to represent the real world but presents characters doing things that don’t seem to be realistic and definitely in some cases things that would be irresponsible in the real world but letting those go by uncommented on. Now, maybe I am just ignorant. Perhaps there really is a country-wide network of BSDM clubs (light on BDSM, heavy on not particularly kinky sex) that have a coordinated ban list and security teams that can provide 24/7 surveillance of women (without their knowledge, I might add).
Double Up, Vanessa North
I know so little about about wakeboarding that some of the sports stuff in here went over my head; I just couldn’t visualize it. But that didn’t really matter because I enjoyed the characters and the relationships.
Rough Road, Vanessa North
Enjoyed the first book enough to read this second one soon after.
Roller Girl, Vanessa North
Figured I might as well complete the series. I like how inclusive the whole series is, though wonder if she’ll ever write a fourth book with a hetero couple. I suppose that’s been done enough.
Riot Baby, Tochi Onyebuchi
Sometimes enough time passes between when I put a title on my wishlist and when I read it that I forget anything I knew about it and thus end up having no idea what sort of thing I’m getting into. This was that way for me, and it took while for me to understand I wasn’t quite in our world anymore.
The Craft of Love, EE Ottoman
A sweet novella with a quilting heroine and a hero of a type that’s way underrepresented in romance. It was was right up my alley (someday I’ll quilt again).
Shield of Winter, Nalini Singh
Somehow it’s been years since I read a book in this series. It wasn’t because I’d stopped liking them or because I’d caught up and had to wait for the next one. I don’t know what happened. Regardless, I’m back to the series and enjoyed this one. Unfortunately, I think there are only a couple more to read.
Shards of Hope, Nalini Singh
This did make me feel hopeful. Much needed right now.
The Red Scot, Twyla Turner
I like curvy heroines (this one is a size 16, I believe, which is still smaller than the average woman but bigger than most romance leads). I like diversity. This book had both. I do not like sloppy copy editing (such as many many extraneous commas and some synonym errors) or heroines who deal with trauma by not going to therapy but staying stuck in fear for over a decade. This book had those, too, plus some internalized misogyny in the bargain.
The Weight of It All, N.R. Walker
Some good stuff in here. The angst seemed realistic, too.
All Systems Red, Martha Wells
This was so good. It’s a novella yet it felt complete. The main character is both recognizable and not of the world I know. I was hooked early on, with lines like “It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering…”
Artificial Condition, Martha Wells
The continuing adventures of Murderbot. Just as enjoyable a read as the first one.
Rouge Protocol, Martha Wells
Still enjoying reading these novellas. This one seemed slightly less standalone than the previous ones. It ends at a logical place, but with less wrapped up than I’d hoped.
Exit Strategy, Martha Wells
Nicely wrapped up the story begun in the previous installment in the Murderbot series. I’m looking forward to reading the new one when I get to the top of the library hold list.
Network Effect, Martha Wells
This latest installment in the Murderbot series is a full novel rather than the novellas that made up the earlier offerings. It doesn’t feel padded at all unlike some series where the books get longer but the stories aren’t really bigger. I enjoyed this a lot and stayed up late to finish it. I’m already excited to read what comes next, though I’m not sure that book has even been announced yet.
The Silence of the Girls, Pat Barker
I think this was well written, and I appreciated the telling of this story from another perspective, but I needed to read it in sections with breaks in between to read lighter things because I found it grindingly depressing for most of the story.
Rubyfruit Jungle, Rita Mae Brown
This felt real to me though it was fiction. I so want to know how the main character made out later in her life.
This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
It’s no secret that time travel plots often make my head hurt, but I went ahead and picked this up anyway due to some reason I no longer remember (a great review in a magazine maybe) and am so glad I did. It feels like one of those books that either grabs you or doesn’t, and it grabbed me. I didn’t understand a lot about how things work in this world, but instead of frustrating me, I embraced the mystery.
Girl, Woman, Other, Berndardine Evaristo
I had a false start with this book a while back, when I just couldn’t concentrate on keeping track of the characters and the unorthodox writing style rankled (these are both me problems, I know). But I gave it another go and was in a better state of mind to receive it and ended up enjoying it. I still think I missed some connections between characters but overall I enjoyed the glimpses into the lives of so many women who led different lives from mine.
Cleanness, Garth Greenwell
Reading this was like having dream; the images were sometimes disturbing, sometimes mundane, and the plot was indistinct.
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Gail Honeyman
I wasn’t sure about this at first but ended up really liking it. There’s some stuff in it that was hard for me to read and some stuff I identified strongly with. I’m glad I stuck with it instead of stopping when it wasn’t the light/funny/quirky book I’d expected based on some blurbs I’d read.
A Single Swallow, Zhang Ling, translated by Shelly Bryant
If this had been written differently, I think the subject matter might have caused me to put the book aside; there is some tough stuff in here (it’s set in China during WWII). It’s told with enough distance that I could and did keep reading.
The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller
I think this is well written and well edited. I didn’t tug at my emotions the way I think it might have if I’d read it before The Silence of the Girls.
Dear Edward, Ann Napolitano
This made me cry and also feel oddly hopeful. It also sent me down a rabbit hole of reading about Air France 447 which I’m not sure was the best choice I could have made after I finished the book around 3 a.m.
The Last Bathing Beauty, Amy Sue Nathan
I liked the “Catskills of the Midwest” setting in Michigan (even though when I lived in that state, I spent very little time exploring this part of it). There are definitely echoes of Dirty Dancing. Some of the plot was predictable, but there were a few turns that took me by surprise. I felt sad for the main character at times but the way the story was told, splitting between her at 18 in 1951 and her in her 80s, I didn’t get swamped by it.
Optimists Die First, Susin Nielsen
This felt similar to Dear Edward in that it has young characters faced with tragedy. I didn’t find it quite as moving or absorbing, though.
Idaho, Emily Ruskovich
I recognized the places in this book; I travel through them myself. The author gets the setting just right. The story is unsettling and jumps back and forth in time which didn’t bother me as much as that device usually does.
The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making, Catherynne M. Valente
I read someone describe this as a cross between Alice in Wonderland and The Phantom Tollbooth, both of which I enjoyed greatly when I was younger. I didn’t enjoy this greatly. Perhaps I am too old and impatient now for such whimsy and meandering and nonsense. I hope not. I hope it’s just that this particular whimsy and meandering wasn’t a good fit for me at the time I read it.
Nothing to See Here, Kevin Wilson
I loved this book so much I read nothing but it until I finished (I usually have three, sometimes four, books going at once).
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