(A) means I listened to it.
(RR) means I re-read it.
(P) means I read it on paper.
I link titles to Powell’s Books if they carry them. I will often link to an edition other than the one I read. If Powell’s doesn’t have it, I will link to Amazon. These are not affiliate links.
I also log my reading on StoryGraph. I’m KarenD there. Feel free to friend (or follow) me. Once in a while I add spoilers to my reviews there in addition to what I write on this page (using spoiler tags there, of course).
January 1, 2025 to Now: (latest finished on top)
Honeytrap, Aster Glen Gray
This had been on my TBR for a while but no library I have access to now had it. Finally bought it and so glad I did. I never quite knew where this was headed, and I liked that.
Gray Hair Don’t Care, Karen Booth
Liked this one, with its older main characters and fairly low angst. Looking at the highlights and notes I made on my device, there was a refreshing lack of plot points and details that took me out of the story.
You’re a Mean One, Matthew Prince, Timothy Janovsky
Main character was very unsympathetic to start, to the point where I considered giving up and picking a different book for the challenge I read this for. Glad I persevered.
An Extraordinary Union, Alyssa Cole
Took me a while to get through this because I kept having thoughts about how the white men in power in the US now would love to go back to these times. It’s a good book, just a bit out of my comfort zone (and it’s important to read out of that zone sometimes).
Goodbye Junie Moon, June Collins
It took me a while to get into the rhythm of this book, which starts out near the end of the time period in the author’s life that this covers, then alternates between flashbacks to her childhood/early adulthood in Australia and her time in Asia during the Vietnam war era. Both of those parts were interesting just my brain had trouble with them being interspersed. I realize not all brains work the way mine does.
Kiss the Girl, Zoraida Cordova
A Little Mermaid retelling set in the modern day music industry. A few details distracted me from fully sinking into the plot at points but mostly I just enjoyed the ride (though I had to close the book for a bit when the villain showed up).
Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, Lindsay C. Gibson (P)
Another lens to look at myself through. I think I’m going to need to re-read this to absorb more of the concepts here. Given that both my parents are gone, sections of this aren’t as relevant to me as they would have been earlier but there’s still a lot of food for thought and maybe action here.
Marriage & Masti, Nisha Sharma
Liked this one a lot. Even though it was third in a series I hadn’t read the first two of, I never felt lost or confused.
Rules for Ghosting, Shelly Jay Shore
Loved this. Made me cry. Made me smile.
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